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Cast of Characters


Eon Kelvin: A 16-year-old male Ninetales, born Lotus Kelvin. Having been a human most of his life, it came as a shock when Kyu Sol transformed him into a fellow Ninetales with her cursing magic, and a shock to Kyu herself when the magic was revealed to be permanent. New to the hybrid life, he’s trying learn all the ins and outs of hybrid culture, especially its very competitive battling side.


Kyu Sol: This Ninetales girl has been a hybrid all 16 years of her life. She’s an optimistic fox with an attitude as fiery as her battling. While not uniquely spectacular on the battleground, she can hold her own against many an opponent and acts as Eon’s mentor, since she is the only other Ninetales at Johiko Darck’s Hybrid Academy.


Matthew Feli: The only known Mew hybrid in the world, Matthew Feli is somewhat of a ditzy genius, able to easily master any skill while acting like a playful child the whole time. For instance, he is 14 years old yet shares classes with Kyu, and that’s only because he doesn’t try hard enough to skip into higher grades. He took instantly to Eon when they met and they have since become close friends.


Johiko Darck: At over three hundred years old, the Lugia hybrid Professor Johiko Darck has seen the rise of modern civilization, along with its burgeoning hybrid population and discrimination first-hand. Appalled at society’s horrid treatment of his fellow hybrids, especially in the important years of adolescence, he used his many talents and wealth of knowledge to gather enormous funds in order to build a boarding academy specifically for hybrids: Johiko Darck’s Hybrid Academy. He cares deeply about all of his students and will do anything to protect them.


Colress Jarred: The founder of the Plasmid Foundation, the youthful and energetic Dr. Jarred has a passion for genetic research, especially when it comes to using hybrids as lab rats to study how they influence their ability to use Aura, an organism’s life force, to manipulate their environment. A brilliant scientist, his research has already enabled him to develop machinery that can also use Aura for his own means, albeit at the cost of severe trauma to countless young hybrids.


Flare Lumen: A young Flareon hybrid who is undeniably a genius. Even the ancient Professor Darck is impressed with how much Flare knows already about Aura, physics, and how they relate, and Flare is only getting started. This comes at the cost of limited social interaction, so he comes across as brusque or aloof to those he’s obligated to interact with.


Hope Seraph: All Absol have the ability to sense others’ pain and upcoming disasters, and Hope chooses to use this gift to avert any and all suffering of others. For this reason, he refuses to harm anyone regardless of who they are. Nevertheless, he is an extremely capable guardian and will always come to a fellow hybrid’s aid, for matters great or small.


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