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About The Authors

Writer for Eve and Mal (Felicity Dream):

Hello! I'm a veteran writer of this site for a little over a decade and have enjoyed it and the readers! Sometime last year, I really got back into Pokemon and decided to rewrite the first (and at the time only) 6-7 chapters of my first and most well-known Pokemon fic "Loyal to the Game". And from then continued writing vigorously for it, corrupting my siblings into liking the anime and games, and writing more Pokemon fics and replaying old games. I hope you all enjoy reading!


Felicity Dream


Writer for Raphael (Kenitoh Menara):

Hey guys! I am die hard pokemon fan that started back in gen 1 and has loved pokemon ever since. I only recently got into writing but I am very happy to be part of this collection of amazing writers and hope to improve as we continue this project. Any and all critiques are welcome on my story and I hope you enjoy the content I produce.


Kenitoh Menara


Writer for Sonia (ParallelDimension75):

Hello, people of the world. I got into Pokémon with Gen 5 and had my first emotional-Pokémon-attatchment to a Sawk in Pokémon Black. I am a hardcore Pokémon fan who loves Pokémon so much she spent the entirety of the last term of school in 2014 waking up at 5 AM just so that she could spend two hours or so writing for this project. Some would call me insane. Others would call me dedicated. I call myself addicted. To writing, that is. And Earl Grey tea. Please make an effort to scrape through my writing and tell me where I went wrong, so future readers don't have to go through the same thing ;)




Writer for Reil (Yuudai4life):

Yo. I like Pokemon. Also I'm lonely. I want to talk to you. I want to know what you think of what I've written. Really badly. I. Want. To. Talk. The. Walk. With. You. Us writers don't usually say it, but we are very lonely. Seriously. All of us are lonely. Like, old lady with cats lonely. We feed off of the creative critizism of others. Please...(Cough, cough...)...the struggle is real.




Writer for IPI and Felix (The Frosted Fox):

I write Ignem Progressionis Infinitum. I post my updated and rewritten chapters here; if you'd like to read the old chapters (and the story as far as its written), check my page. I like the people I work with and I like Pokemon. Especially anthropomorphic Pokemon.




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