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The Winter King's Erysimum


Merlin interns with her best friends’ father, Uther 
Pendragon, and strangely becomes attached to him. But between Cenred’s leash on 
her and a violent past she can’t remember, it might be healthier to stay away from 
the business tycoon.

Table of Contents


1. Be Warm Inside and Out
2. It's Your Poison
3. Junk Sick
4. Lonely and Lovesick
5. Just 'Cause You're Broken
6. You're Dreaming the Pinprick
7. Don't You Hear Them Calling...
8. ...When You're Fallin'
9. You're Bruised and Battered
10. You're Empty and Shattered
11. Though Your Heart is Breaking...
12. ...You're Not Forsaken
13. Doesn't Mean You Need It So Much

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